Sunday, October 31, 2021

Summary ISC "Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Through Online Crossword Games"

 Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Through Online Crossword Games


- Joceline Oktorina Inggerus Imbenay

- Caroline V. Katemba


- Universitas Advent Indonesia

- Bendungan Hilir Elementary School


    During the pandemic covid-19, the educational field must likewise adjust to the current

situation. In this research, the researcher changed a crossword puzzle game to be

played online in order to reduce students’ offline learning time with the teacher. Words

are spoken in a foreign language. In a summary, vocabulary was a collection of letters that

came together to form words in a foreign language. The researchers do this research

took participants. The student who took part in the study were in sixth grade and

totaled 16 in number. The sample for this study was chosen by random sampling from

a class of grade six elementary. They all live in the capital city of Indonesia. The

instruments used in this study were; Crossword games, pre, and post-test. For the

Crossword game, the online application considered many levels, and each level

has many questions to fill in the square. Pre-test and Post-test in the test given before

the treatment. Post-test is the test was given after treatment or after the teaching of 29 days.

The result & discussion is to answer the research question is there any significant

difference in students’ vocabulary before using game Cross Word and after using game

Cross Word? The researcher can infer from the above data study that the game Cross

Word can have a major impact on vocabulary knowledge because the importance of the

vocabulary test after the researcher did the treatment was higher than before being

though using the game Cross Word application. This means that the game Cross Word

application has a positive impact on students. Based on the result and discussion, it is

therefore concluded that using game crosswords in online learning increases students’

vocabulary. It is highly recommended for teachers to use the game Crossword in their

teaching English language.

Faith and Works

                                                                     Faith and Works

James 2:14-26


Faith cannot save without works, but that does not mean salvation is by works. The Apostle James wrote about faith and works in James 2:14-26 because he wanted to help us understand the attitude of the heart that a believer in Jesus should have. The Apostle James wants us to understand what true faith is. Faith is not just not hearing or agreeing with the Word of God that we have heard, but good faith is faith that produces works. Therefore, this essay will explain about Good deeds cannot save us, Good deeds are a sign that we have been saved, and examples of dead faith.


Good works cannot save us. The Apostle James tells in the book of James 2:14 that faith without works is useless. Faith without works cannot save us. James wants to tell us that the faith of a person who believes must have an effect on inner change and this inner change manifests in behavior or action. Furthermore, the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:8-10 says that we are saved by grace through faith. The most important thing is that we are saved not by our good works but by the grace of God.

Good deeds are a sign that we have been saved. Jesus said in Matthew 5:16 that we must be light before others so that our actions can be seen by others. That means, the good deeds we do are light and when people see God's miraculous work in our lives, they will glorify God. When we do good deeds, it reflects that we believe in the salvation that has been given to us.

Dead faith is faith without works. People sometimes admit that they have faith in God, but that faith does not produce works. When people claim to have faith and then don't know what to do or when someone knows that it is God's will but doesn't do it, that's dead faith. Faith that is often proud of is actually a dead faith in God's eyes. It is not faith that saves. God commands us to have faith accompanied by works so that faith can be said to be alive before God.


I think, If our faith does not produce concrete actions and has an impact on our obedience to God's will, then man is dead. It is not too late for us to test our faith today. However, it will be too late if we find out that we do not have faith on the day of judgment. We live in a world full of deception, so we should not believe in teachings that seem true but are actually false. Only by the power of God can we be enabled to turn our faith into works.


Faith means believing and confirming. Faith is justification by heart and confession by word of mouth. Therefore, perfect faith is faith accompanied by works. By faith, the good deeds we do show God that we have living faith. With faith, the good deeds we do show that we trust and love God. With faith, the good deeds we do cannot save us but refer to a change in ourselves that leads us to believe more that we will be saved by God's grace. God wants all of us to be saved and live with us, so let us see within ourselves whether we have a living faith in God. Let our daily life strengthen our faith in God.


King James Version Bible

COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY "Creationism vs Evolution"

                                                         Creationism vs Evolution

Creationism theory and evolution theory has been controversial debate for decades now. Creationism argues that God created the earth and everything in it and took six days. Evolutionists believe that the earth is much older than the Bible describes. Creationism theory explains that God created humans from dust the ground in his image and appearance, while the theory of evolution explains that humans came from apes. However, everyone has their own beliefs to respond to the theory of where the world and humans came from. This essay will explain the comparison between these two theories.


         God took six days to create the world and everything in it. In the span of six days, God created the heavens, the earth, the sun, moon, water, animals, and humans. Christians believe that God created the heavens and the earth because He created the heavens, the earth, and everything in it is written in the Bible Genesis 1:1. The theory of creation can only be accepted by people who have faith in God because the issue of faith cannot be questioned and proven. Creation shows that all forms of life as we see it today were created in an extraordinary way by God.

         Evolutionists assume that the earth and everything in it existed before the Bible. According to evolutionists, the earth began approximately 4.5 billion years ago, with the explosion of life beginning around 55 million years ago. To evolutionists, the starting of life began as inorganic molecules that underwent a natural transformation to become organic molecules. Evolution is defined as the development by natural causes of all organisms, those today and those yesterday, from other forms probably ultimately much simpler and originally perhaps from non-living substances. Charles Darwin is the founder of this theory of evolution and he strongly believes that the earth and its contents exist by itself and through natural selection, it was formed with this world.

         Human beings coming to be on the earth is another big topic among creationists and evolutionists. Creationist live faithfully by the belief that God made Adam from dust, in God’s image. The Bible states “The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person (Genesis 2:7). Eve was later made from the ribcage of Adam as a companion. Adan and Eve are the beginning of the human species race, and from them, all human beings descend. Evolutionists have a different view of how human beings came into the world, believing that we have evolved from other species, specifically the primates. Fossil records have shown that Homo sapiens have evolved from four-legged creatures swinging through trees to two-legged creatures that walk on the earth. Fossils of prehistoric humans show a remarkable resemblance to the primates, all the way from the jaw and forehead, to the torso and feet. In conclusion, Creationism and evolution have very different viewpoints of how the earth and human beings began.


Many people in the world today have different beliefs so that some will believe in the theory of evolution and some will believe in the theory of creationism. As someone who was born into a Christian family, my life is centered on faith in God. I believe that God created life and everything in six days. Sometimes we are doubted by the theory of evolution, because of that we have to study the Bible more and believe fully in God so that we believe that God created the earth and everything in it.


Creationism and evolution have two very different viewpoints of how the earth and human beings began, Creationism is based on the belief that the Bible is a credible source, which gives the story of creation. Evolution believes that human beings are a result of evolution, beginning with simple molecules to today’s modern person. This is a hard topic to take a definite stand on since faith is abstract, yet a way of life for Christians, and science is concrete. But for sure I want all of us to believe in God so that we can accept that God created us.


King James Bible Version



Samuel is called to serve

                                                                 Samuel is called to serve

1 Samuel 3:1-21


Samuel was a young man who didn't know God and hadn't even heard anything about God, but God called him. There are many other biblical figures called by God who were much older than Samuel to serve God. God calls people to serve Him not by their age but by the character they have. This essay will explain three important lessons we can learn from Samuel when he was called by God to serve.


 God called Samuel three times but Samuel did not know who called him and what he was called for. First, when Samuel was called by God for the first time in 1 Samuel 3:4-5, he immediately answered. But, at that moment he thought the one who called him was Priest Eli. Second, God called Samuel the second time but Samuel was still wrong and didn't understand God's call. Third, God once again called Samuel for the third time and Samuel answered but he became even more confused. From these three calls, it was found that Samuel was faithful and had obedience in responding to calls. Samuel has the character of good service and can be trusted.

The Lord called Samuel the fourth time and appeared to Samuel so that Samuel knew who was calling him. God called Samuel on the fourth time this made him respond to God's call. The Lord appeared to Samuel and spoke to Samuel. Samuel's willingness to listen showed that he was ready to hear God's word and put it into practice. Judging from this, Samuel was well prepared to serve the Lord. Even though he had been called 3 times before and did not understand the call, when he heard the fourth call, he still showed that he was ready to listen to God and ready to serve Him.

The message that Samuel received from his vision of God prevented him from telling the priest Eli. God's word that was delivered to Samuel was a disaster that would happen to Israel and Eli's family. Therefore, he did not dare to say that to Priest Eli. However, Eli the priest did not object to what God was going to do and still ordered Samuel to tell him about it. Then Samuel told him this even though it was hard for him. From this we can see that Samuel kept the Commandments of God and Eli the priest. Samuel knew that God was a just God, He was on the side of the righteous. However, whoever commits a crime will be punished by God.


In my opinion, Samuel is too young to be called by God. But God does not discriminate between people to be called by Him to be His Servant. Even though at this time we are still young but God wants to call us to serve Him, let's not refuse that call. Sometimes we feel unable to serve, but God is a loving God who can enable us if we are willing to accept His call and make Him our Leader.


The call that God made to Samuel has an important lesson for all of us, especially for young people. Sometimes young people reject God's call to serve Him for various worldly reasons. From Samuel we can learn that even though God's call cannot be understood by him, he is not bored to keep hearing and answering God's call and he is willing to sacrifice his rest time for God. When we are called, we should not feel that we will be harmed, but we must sacrifice for God even if we must be willing to give our whole life to God.


King James Bible Version

Gideon Defeats the Midianites

                                                         Gideon Defeats the Midianites

Judges 7:1-7


God used Gideon to save the Israelites from the hands of the Midianites. Physically and mentally nothing can be expected from Gideon because he has a small, young, and timid body. How could God use Gideon to save the people of Israel, but nothing is impossible for God. This essay will explain three reasons why Gideon was able to win in expelling the enemy.


First, Gideon obeyed the Lord's command and camped by the spring of Harod, the Midianite camp being on the north side of mount More in the valley. However, Gideon encamped together with the Israelites so much that God told Gibeon to reduce the Israelites because God's intention was that God would help Gideon to fight Midian.

Second, God ordered Gideon to select the Israelites. In this first selection, God told Gideon to tell the Israelites that whoever fears and trembles, let them go home, and then twenty-two thousand of the Israelites return and ten thousand remain, as it is written in Judges 7:3. That was the first selection made by Gideon that led to victory.

Third, there were too many Israelites to go with Gideon so God ordered Gideon to make a second selection. God wanted Gideon to tell the Israelites to go out to drink water, then whoever inhales the water with his tongue like a licking dog, you must collect it separately. And people who inhale by using their hands to drink it. Then there were three hundred people who drank the water using their hands.  God allowed them to go with Gideon as it is written in Judges 7:7. That was the second selection that God had made to lead Gideon to victory.


In my opinion, Gideon is humanly limited and impossible to fight Midian, not even surprised if Gideon was so scared that he brought a lot of Israelites. However, God wanted Gideon to rely on God. So it is with us now, When we feel fear and trembling of all the trials that exist in our lives, God wants us to rely on Him. Because by relying on and hoping in God, we can win over all the trials of our life.


God gave encouragement to Gideon to reduce his fears and strengthen his faith. Believers who submit to God and serve Him faithfully sometimes need God's prompting and direction. When we are faced with a difficult situation, we must pray that God through His spirit will awaken our faith, hope, and courage.


King James Bible Version

Week Of Prayer "Soul Healing"

                                                                       Soul Healing



There are three important things that we can learn from God's word on the 4th night of the Week of prayer. First, Jesus healed the leper written in Mark 1:40-45. At that time leprosy was very dangerous and could not be cured by anyone so that people who had leprosy would isolate themselves from other healthy people. However, thanks to his faith in God, this leper came to God and asked to be healed. At that time, the leper was cured of his illness. Second, Jesus healed a paralyzed man in Capernaum written in Luke 5:17-26. Jesus healing a paralyzed man was a miracle he had done. At that time this man was paralyzed because of his faith in God so he wanted to meet Jesus and ask for healing. However, the circumstances at that time were not easy for him to meet Jesus but he had very high hopes so that his friends helped him to meet Jesus. They carried the paralyzed man up to Jesus and at that very moment, Jesus healed him. Third, Jesus heals us from the disease of sin. In ancient times Jesus died on the cross only to redeem mankind from the sins of the world. Jesus was willing to die on the cross just to make us his people healed from sin. The healing and miracles that Jesus did when he was in this world show that he really loves mankind.


In my opinion, we humans do not deserve to be healed from sin because when Jesus redeemed us from sin, we still sinned. Often we do not appreciate the forgiveness of sins that God has given us, we always think that sin is a small thing and when we do it we can still ask for forgiveness. The time of the Lord's second coming is getting closer and whatever we do will be brought to justice which will determine whether we can enter the kingdom of heaven or not. So now let us appreciate the forgiveness that God has given us and we must live more faithfully to Him and keep every commandment so that we can be saved and enter the kingdom of Heaven by His grace.


In Conclusion, God loves every human being and he wants us to be able to enter the kingdom of heaven because of that he was willing to sacrifice his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross and redeem mankind from sins written in John 3:16. Healing from sin is evidence of the power that renews the soul. God must bring peace to our minds and cleanse the soul from sin. God will still forgive us for all the sins we commit in the world even though our sins are many because He loves us so much.


King James Bible version




The Bible tells the journey of Abraham's life starting from when he was still named Abram until he finally returned to the bosom of the Father. In Abraham's life, there were many important decisions he had to make, and from the story of Abraham, we are able to see his characters that we can emulate in our lives. Abraham was a man who was faithful and obedient to God. He was a person who was willing to pray for others. Abraham was a humble man. There are many biblical figures who can be role models for us humans, but I chose Abraham because Abraham had an important role in my personal life.


Abraham had extraordinary loyalty and obedience to God's commands. There are several things that show that Abraham was faithful to God. First, God ordered Abraham to leave his country to go to the land promised by God and Abraham was obedient in carrying out God's commands. Second, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, the only child with his wife Sara but he remained obedient to God. Third, God told Abraham to sacrifice a ram as a burnt offering in lieu of his son Isaac, then Abraham did so. God blessed Abraham for his faithfulness to God.

Abraham was a man who was willing and courageous to pray for others. Abraham prayed for people he did not know or were strangers. He prayed for all those in Sodom and Gomorrah. He prayed for the people who didn't even treat him well. These things are certainly an example for us as Christians who have compassion, we need to pray for others too.

Abraham was a humble person, he realized who he was before God and said that he was dust and ashes. There are three things that can be imitated in the life of Abraham. First, Abraham was wonderfully blessed and accompanied by God. However, with this, he did not become arrogant. Second, Abraham acknowledged that he was dust and ashes in the eyes of God. But he still admits that God is the Most Holy who has power over all things. Third, Abraham was not just humble to God. He is also humble in front of humans, he does not hesitate to say that he is just a stranger and a stranger. Those are the three examples of Abraham in the Bible about humility.


To sum up, Abraham's personal life is very important for us to emulate to run our human lives. From Abraham's experience, we can learn to be faithful and obedient to God so that we are always blessed by God. We are expected to be people who are willing to pray for others so that we are always blessed by God. Abraham also taught us to always be humble so that with the humility we have we will not become arrogant. God always blesses the lives of all of us, not only Abraham's life because our God is a just and wonderful God who loves every human being.


King James Bible Version


Moses and The Burning Bush
                        Moses and The Burning Bush
                                    Exodus 3:1-9


            The amazing burning bush is a wonderful way God used to speak to Moses. It is the most unique sighting ever seen in biblical history. It has such a bright light. Talking to the burning bush is beyond human thought. There are many ways for God to appear to Moses but God chose a burning Bush. 


            The burning bush is a unique and amazing thing. It has a great flame but it does not burn. It is very holy even the land around it. Moses was very surprised when he saw the bush that suddenly lit up at that time. This amazing burning bush is used by God to show his power.

            The burning bush has a very bright light. It had the power to attract the attention of Moses with its great flame. Looking into the burning bush does not harm Moses’ eyes. Because the flame and shape of the burning bush were so extraordinary, Moses could immediately feel the presence of God. The burning bush with a very bright flame had the power to make Moses believe that it was God.

            The Burning bush that can make a sound is something that does not exist in the human mind but this is the way that God used to speak to Moses. The burning bush told Moses that it was holy so Moses was forbidden to approach the land around it. Because the burning bush could speak, Moses immediately covered his face because he was afraid to look at God. The amazing burning bush says that it is God and asks Moses to get the Israelites out of Egypt. God appeared in a burning bush that could speak to summon Moses and give orders to Moses.


            As we can see, the burning bush is a way that God uses. God uses unique things to reveal himself. The light of the fire can attract human attention. Burning bush that can talk shows the power of God that God can do anything. God has many ways to reveal himself, but at that time God chose the amazing burning Bush to deliver the command to Moses.


King James Bible Version

The Birth Of Moses

 The Birth Of Moses

Exodus 2:1-25


            Several centuries ago a king named Pharaoh was frightened by the interpretation of the fall of power. Therefore the king of the pharaohs wanted to kill all the male babies born at that time, but there was one baby who survived named Moses who would later fulfill this interpretation. 


There are three important points that can be taken from Moses. First, Moses was born for God's purpose so that he was not killed. Moses was supposed to have died at the time of the pharaoh's decision to kill all the male children born to him, but with God's plan Moses was saved in ways, we can't imagine. It is the same as with Jesus. Many babies in Bethlehem who died were killed on Herod's orders, but Jesus did not die because God had a plan that He should die on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind. Second, Moses killed the Egyptians because he wanted to help and defend the Israelis. Moses helped the Israelites so that the Israelites would know that he would be used by God to free them. This action of Moses was born from a burning passion to serve God. However, killing is an act that is not permitted by God. Third, Moses was sent by God to bring the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. Moses had been prepared by God starting from his good education when he was in Egypt and also working as a shepherd which was a preparation for Moses to later shepherd the Israelites. Even though the king of the pharaohs had died, the Israelites were still tortured and persecuted. God remembers that because of that, God prepared Moses to lead the Israelites out of the land of slavery.


 In my opinion, all the actions that God plans are for the best. We must believe in God, carry out the commandments that God has set. Like Moses who was faithful to God's Commandments by being enthusiastic in learning God's word and in serving God.


 The conclusion is that God's plan is the best and cannot be thwarted by humans.


King James Bible Version

The Flood

The Flood

God told Noah to get into the ark. There are several important points that we can learn from God's command to Noah to build an ark and live in the ark. First, Noah obeyed God's commandments. When Noah received an order from God to build an ark, he immediately built an ark. as ordinary people, we will definitely fight God because at that time there was no rain and no flood but God ordered us to build an ark but not with Noah who was obedient to God. Everything God said Noah had done was like Bringing the whole family and animals in pairs. Second, God acted to help Noah, sent down the Rain, and opened the whole ocean of water. When we obey God's commandments, God will not forsake us. In this chapter, it is written that God closed the door of the ark. of course the door will not leak and Noah and his family and the animals in it will not be drowned by the water. It takes obedience to get help from God. Third, humans get the result of disobeying God's commands. Noah, his family, and animals were safe in the ark because they obeyed God's commandments. When it started to rain people realized that Noah was right but they were too late because the door of the ark had been closed by God and caused them to no longer be able to enter so they were swept away by the water. In conclusion, If we reject the way that God has provided, then we will become like the people in Noah's day. In this day and age, many people are helping God's work in this world, starting from building churches, donating to church needs but they don't want to believe in God. We must trust God and also obey God's commands so that we can be saved.

Geeta's Life

 Hi dear readers...💓

let me introduce myself.

My name is Brigita Mega Rumoroy. I am an English Education student at one of the best universities in Indonesia, namely Klabat University. I have a dream to become a teacher that's why I chose an English education major. I studied at UNKLAB on my own accord and based on my potential.

I decided to go to college at the age of 18 and now I am in the 5th semester which means I am 20 years old. I feel late to know the blog so that it makes me regret and be a question in myself. Why am I just starting to write now? but yeah, that's it...

Actually, I am a student with a Visual learning style. because it is suitable for me to learn through reading. Reading has been my hobby since I was a child apart from my other hobbies. And maybe now my hobby will increase by one, namely writing. I've always dreamed of a place where I can get to write everything I want to write and finally I found a Blog that can make me express what I want to write.

    Based on the name of my blog which is Geeta which means song and pearl, I also like singing, listening to songs, and seeing beautiful things.

    I am an introvert who was born in a family that only has one child, namely myself. because of this environmental condition that supports me like to express what I like in a piece of writing.

    I had spread to be a writer, but because my handwriting was not good and not beautiful, I gave up my dream. To be honest, becoming a teacher is the second choice in my dream, but God wants me to still be able to write even though I want to be a teacher.

    God has sent one of the best lecturers for me to open my though in writing. thanks to this lecturer I can think more creatively in writing and he teaches many things about how to write.

    From the experience I have had, I wish all my dear readers not to give up on what we all love. because if we do not give up, God will always continue to help and empower us.

God Bless You😇

Background of the Blog's Name

Geeta is the original Sanskrit which translated into Indonesian is Gita.

 Geeta in Sanskrit means song. Geeta in Italian means pearl. while the characteristics of the virgin name Geeta is a person who likes to read, study history, and travel. I like to take this name as the name of my blog because this is my name when translated into Indonesian which my parents gave me.

Names have an important role in a person's life. If the name given by parents is a good name, then someone will be proud and express himself full of joy.

Based on the name I have chosen, I hope this blog can be a precious pearl that can be used to increase knowledge and knowledge. I hope this blog can bring happiness to every dear reader.

The name I was looking for and decided to be the name of my blog is a great name. Thank you for Writing Class 2 especially Sir Oktavian Mantiri who has inspired me and opened up my thoughts so that I can create a blog and get an extraordinary name.

Dear Reader💗

Thank you for cheering me on.

God bless You All😇